Aluminum Beverage Cans
Lightweight, convenient, portable, and recyclable - all great reasons why aluminum is one of the best containers for soda, beer, and other beverages. Although most municipalities throughout the United States have some degree of curbside recycling, TRG's Express Recycling centers make it easy for you to get paid for your cans. Express Recycling Centers are located in North Little Rock, Jonesboro, Harrison, and Hot Springs.
Facts about aluminum can recycling:
Aluminum can recycling saves 95% of the energy needed to produce aluminum from bauxite ore, as well as other natural resources, according to the Aluminum Association.
Americans recycle approximately 54% of their aluminum cans
There are approximately 34 cans in one pound of aluminum (source: Can Manufacturers Institute)
It takes about 6 weeks for a can to be manufactured, filled, sold, and recycled before it will be remanufactured.
So be green - recycle that empty can!